
by Maribeth Southworth

Maribeth Southworth was raised in Richmond, Virginia, where she wore red and blue on Friday nights, a proud Hermitage Panther through and through. A Religious Studies and Speech Communication major, she graduated from the University of Virginia. Maribeth openly wept as her parents insisted it was time to leave Charlottesville and peeled her hands from the University’s brick, ivy-covered serpentine walls.

A 1982 college recruit for a pharmaceutical company, she worked for 3 years in Delaware, continually puzzled as to why people referred to her as a ‘detail man’ when she was dressed in a skirt and wearing a 36 C bra. Southworth eventually moved to New Jersey and made her way to a Bay Area biotech darling, where she has worked for more than 21 years with bright, funny, dedicated colleagues (brainiacs who have the common sense to allow jeans at work).

She is the proud mother of two interesting, hilarious and loving children and has been married to a handsome, albeit traumatized, man for 24 years.

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